Our disciplines

We diagnose and treat children, adolescents, adults and families with emotional difficulties or alterations in their cognitive, affective or behavioural processes. We are specialists in growth and parenting.
We assess and intervene to enhance the person's cognitive skills, ensuring that the environment or the educational system works in the same line and direction. We enhance attention, literacy, numeracy, memory, organisation and time management.
Speech therapy
We diagnose, prevent and treat speech and language disorders, exploring the orofacial organs and all facets of communication, i.e. comprehension, speech, voice, writing/reading and hearing.
Naturopathy and nutrition
We stimulate the body's innate healing capacity and facilitate its balancing mechanisms to achieve a good state of health, promoting the principle of not being invasive or damaging to the body.
Music Therapy
We use music and its elements (rhythm, harmony and melody) in a therapeutic process of prevention, rehabilitation or treatment. We do individual and group sessions with children with communication or emotional management difficulties.
Occupational therapy
We promote health and well-being through occupation, i.e. purposeful and practical activities that enable people to live independently and gain a sense of identity. We work on sensory integration, proprioception and motor-cognitive planning.
Art therapy
This is an expressive therapy that uses the creative process of art to improve the physical and psychological well-being of the patient. We work on emotional expression and regulation. We carry out individual and group sessions.
It is a neuromuscular testing system thanks to which we determine imbalances and their priority causes and can thus re-establish equilibrium and bring the body back to its natural homeostasis.
Dog-assisted therapy
The dog is a social facilitator and sensory stimulus, being an excellent instrument for establishing new social relationships, we manage to capture the attention and facilitate the use of language and the expression of emotions. 
It is the analysis of all those responses or behaviours related to the acquisition and composition of the image and also to the communication and processing of visual stimuli.
A set of methods, actions and techniques, which through the manual and instrumental application of physical means, cures, recovers and adapts people affected by somatic, psychosomatic and organic dysfunctions.
Functional Neurology
Functional neurology is the basis of all our disciplines. It is a speciality of neuroscience that explains the direct connection between the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, the sensory receptors and the regulation of body functions.

Our team

Founder - Director - Neurologist
Corien Dorotea
Born in Curaçao, licensed as a Neuro-logopedist in the Netherlands, she has experience in the treatment of cerebral palsy and syndromes as well as with adults with different neurological communication problems. Specialist in Functional Neurology.
Clinical Manager - Clinical Psychologist
Ainhoa Corbera
She was born in Barcelona, graduated in Psychology at the UAB, and trained in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the ACPP. She moved to the UK where she continued her training at the Tavistock Clinic and worked and developed her career as a Clinical Psychologist in a North London NHS-CAMHS Hospital for more than 10 years. She currently lives in Sant Cugat and is the mother of two children. She is an expert in parenting.
Occupational Therapist
Richard Gonzalez
Nacido en Maracay, Venezuela, encontró su vocación en el colegio universitario de los Teques al conocer la terapia ocupacional, tiene más de 10 años de experiencia en población infanto juvenil y se ha mantenido en constante formación en el área con una certificación internacional en integración sensorial por la universidad del Sur de California. Richard, conecta muy bien con los niños y su práctica esta centrada en la familia considerando a los padres como los principales terapeutas.
Sandra Perez
Born in Barcelona, she obtained a CFGS in Early Childhood Education and graduated in Psychology with a major in clinical and health psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her professional experience includes direct attention to people with functional diversity in both adult and child population and she is currently in continuous training in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Terapeuta Ocupacional / Redes sociales
Ja (vie) ra
Mitad gallega mitad chilena, es una apasionada de los animales, la fotografía y la expresión corporal. Nos encanta su creatividad y por eso también se ocupará de nuestras redes sociales.
Occupational Therapist
Ginés Ruiz
Born in Elche, Alicante, he completed an Erasmus scholarship at the Hênry Gabrielle Hospital, renowned for functional rehabilitation. Trained in Bobath, and other techniques such as Perfetti, Halliwick (aquatic therapy) and Neurodynamics. He holds a master's degree "Rehabilitation in Neurology - Practical application of assessment and treatment" and CLASI certification in sensory integration.
Speech therapist
Sandra Rodríguez Ors
Born in Barcelona, she is a Speech Therapist and Primary Education Teacher with a specialization in Attention to Diversity. She is currently specializing in treating communication and language difficulties in children, youth and adults with ASD.
With experience with both children and adolescents, Sandra treats ASD, dyslexia, language delays, attention, memory, cognitive functions, communication and swallowing disorders.
Speech therapist
Elena Herrero
Born in Teruel, she graduated in Speech Therapy from the University of Valencia. She has a postgraduate degree in Voice Rehabilitation and a Master's degree in Neurologopedia. She has experience in the clinical rehabilitation of adults and children in various pathologies such as aphasia, dysarthria, dysphagia, neurodegenerative diseases, vocal disorders, speech and language delays, dyslexia and myofunctional disorders. She continues to train and expand her knowledge.
Helena Bosch
Nacida en Barcelona, concretamente en Vilafranca del Penedès, graduada en Psicología con mención en Psicología de la Salud, en la Universidad de Barcelona. Amante de la psicología y del rasgo de la alta sensibilidad, sigue formándose para adquirir más conocimientos. Helena es una de nuestras referentes en GAT (Grupo Academico Terapeutico), terapia intenstiva para niños con dificultades severas de la comunicación y el neurodesarrollo.
Arte Terapeuta
Maria Menendez
Nacida en Manresa, licenciada en Bellas Artes en la Universidad de Barcelona. Al acabar, decidió estudiar un posgrado y un máster de dos años en Arteterapia Relacional en la escuela Metáfora de Barcelona. Durante el máster en Arteterapia pudo especializarse para llevar sesiones individuales y grupales, y descubrió que su gran vocación son los niños y adolescentes. Maria ve el arteterapia como una herramienta de expresión para conectar y conseguir promover cambios significativos en las personas y su desarrollo como seres individuales y sociales.Actualmente, se encuentra estudiando la carrera de Psicología en UNIR para acabar de complementar su formación y poder seguir formándose en un futuro.
Psicopedagoga / Neuropsicóloga
Alexia Kidd
Born in Argentina, she obtained a degree in Psychopedagogy and today she is a specialist in Child Neuropsychology. She completed a postgraduate course in Neuropsychology and Neurology of Child Behavior at the UAB and an Official Master's Degree in Neuropsychology and Education at the International University of La Rioja. She has worked both in the educational field, in the guidance team of different schools, as well as in the clinical field, diagnosing and treating children, adolescents and adults with different neurodevelopmental disorders.
Psicologo General Sanitario
Sean Norton
Se graduó en Psicología en la Universidad Abat Oliva donde se le dio un enfoque personalista del ser humano, lo cual implica respetar la dignidad e individualidad de cada uno, dentro de un ética y siempre con el bien del otro en mente. Estuvo a cargo de una unidad de máxima contención de Trastornos Alimentarios, Neurodesarrollo y Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad durante 2 años y ahora usa sus conocimientos y experiencia para dar un servicio de calidad con resultados duraderos en el tiempo. Sean es trilingue en ingles, castellano y catalán.

Carol Quiñones
Nacida en Barcelona y Graduada en psicología en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Carol ha dedicado toda su vida al trabajo con niños y adolescentes, tanto a nivel psicológico como educativo. Después de trabajar en colegios, decidió abrir su propio centro de psicología, y reeduación, donde también trabajaba la estimulación precoz con niños de 0 a 3 años. Carol es nuestra coordinadora en GAT  (Grupo Academico Terapeutico), terapia intenstiva para niños con dificultades severas de la comunicación y el neurodesarrollo.
Nick Hiller
Nick. Doctor en Fisioterapia, es originario del estado de Colorado, Estados Unidos, y ha dedicado siete años de estudio y dedicación a adquirir un profundo conocimiento en el campo de la salud y el bienestar humano. NIck está titulado en Fisiología Integral y doctorado en Fisioterapia. Tiene experiencia trabajando con niños en entornos hospitalarios y con adultos en diversos campos, como la rehabilitación neurologica o la medicina deportiva.
Cristina Martínez
Naturopata y Neuro-kinesióloga
Veronica Llorens
Nacida en la Patagonia, estudió danza hasta que un grave accidente automovilístico cambió el rumbo de su vida. Después de meses en cuidados intensivos y operaciones que reconstruyeron la columna vertebral, la medicina la salvó. La búsqueda de su propia curación la llevó a estudiar Neuro-kinesiología, Naturopatia, Terapia Floral, Osteopatía instrumental, Reiki, y Reeducación Postural Global.
Sebastian Schwartzmann
Nacido en Perú, es musicoterapeuta, educador y psicólogo en formación. Actualmente se dedica a trabajar con pacientes con diversidad funcional, utilizando la música como un vehículo para la expresión y la gestión emocional. Emplea la tecnología para crear ambientes musicales e instrumentos adaptados, permitiendo a sus pacientes expresarse libremente a través de la música. Además, es profesor de musicoterapia en el máster de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Camila Cárdenas
Nacida en Chile, es fisioterapeuta con experiencia en trabajo con población infantil en entornos escolares y centros de salud familiar. Posee un Máster en Fisioterapia en Pediatría de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Realiza estimulación y atención temprana, atiende a población pediátrica con retrasos motores y diferentes trastornos del neurodesarrollo.
GAT and maintenance assistant
Jovhanna Quispe
Jovhanna Quispe was born in La Paz - Bolivia. She studied Executive Secretarial Work and worked at Konika Minolta Importadora. She studied Nursery Education. She is currently working in GAT, cleaning and is the maintenance assistant in Tot Teràpia.
Reception and administration
Gaspar Bacqué
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Gaspar is a 31-year-old with more than ten years of teaching experience as a music teacher and administrative assistant. In addition, he has studied for three years at the Da Vinci School of Multimedia Art, where he trained in animation film direction and design.

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Tot Terapia
Plaça D'Ausiàs March, 1
Centro Comercial Mira-sol Centre, Local L1-18
08195, Sant Cugat del Vallés, Spain
09:00 - 20:00, Monday to Friday
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